Core Clerkship Asessment - Morning Report

You are responsible for selecting 2 cases drawn from either your experience on call in the ED or from your morning observation sessions in the reading rooms (be on the lookout and write down the MRN!) and presenting these cases (~5 minutes each) to the group using the Partners web-based PACS Visage system. You will provide a brief clinical history, focusing on the important elements of the patient’s presentation, and then use Visage to point out the relevant imaging findings to the group. Please think about the exam that was ordered and be able to state whether or not it was indicated or if another exam (or no exam) could have or should have been done instead. You should choose cases that provide specific teaching points that you believe it is important for your fellow students to learn. These cases need not be complex or abstruse, and you should ideally only need to show one or two images per case to convey your teaching points.

The goals of this exercise are a) to develop your ability to present cases concisely and accurately, b) to develop your facility demonstrating findings on radiographic studies using the PACS system, c) to learn to use appropriate terminology and anatomic precision when describing imaging findings, and d) to teach your fellow students. You are expected to practice ahead of time using Visage on the Partners PC in the student room and should be able to get through both cases and all of your teaching points in 10 minutes or less.

Please note that this is not a graded exercise. This is designed to be a fun, low key and interactive activity where students can share interesting cases, practice their PACS skills, and demonstrate a developing confidence in presenting radiologic studies to the group.