Radiology Sections - Ultrasound


Robin Perlmutter-Goldenson, MD

The Ultrasound division at the Brigham is one of the few sections which remains modality-based rather than organ-system based. World-wide, Ultrasound is readily available, relatively cheap, and does not involve ionizing radiation. Because of this, Ultrasound has made its way into all areas of medicine, from diagnosis to image-guided procedures and therapies. It is not unreasonable to expect that knowing how to perform and interpret Ultrasounds will be a key clinical skill in the coming years. At present, Ultrasound has been shown to be excellent if not the preferred imaging choice for numerous clinical situations, including the evaluation of abdominal pain, suspected pathology of the female genitourinary tract, acute testicular pain, suspected carotid artery stenosis, and the prenatal evaluation of the fetus. In addition, Ultrasound is increasingly used in emergency situations to assess for evidence of intra-abdominal injury or ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm, among other life-threatening conditions.

In this rotation, you will be seeing patients and are expected to wear your white coat and otherwise dress professionally. The Ultrasound Division is located on L1 near the abdominal reading room and the nuclear medicine department (see BWH L1 map).

  Ultrasound Website